Was just checking my posts then i realised i haven't uploaded this video, Waow! those of you who have replicated the recipe and sent me pictures did from watching on TV and youtube. So sorry my Facebook Fam, here is the video to this very easy recipe.
Nne Nkanka was my Grandmother's neighbour who had so many children but regardless of her poor state, she still comes out with very delicious recipes to feed her pack.
This recipe is a must try for every egusi lover, you will not believe your taste buds until you try it. Someone wrote me after watching this recipe on youtube and said she screamed just the way i screamed after tasting the soup .
Egusi (melon seeds), peppersoup spices, pepper and whatever choice of meat is the basic for this recipe, Nne Nkanka will use only crayfish (Dry shrimps or prawns} and it will still be sooooo tasty.
