Mango chia Seed Pudding recipe:

Soak 3 Tbs chia seeds in 2 cups hot water for 3-4 hours. (For sweetening this, you can add agave syrup right before layering-optional)
Take 3 mangoes, chop them, save about 1 mango for garnishing and layering, use the rest for puré.

Add mango, 2-3 Tbs sour cream/hung yogurt, 2 Tsp jaggery, blend it and strain it for extra smoothness.
Blueberry compote, half cup blueberry and 2-3 Tbs jaggery/sugar, simmer on flame for 10 mins, blend and strain.
Now layer all three in a tall glass.
Makes about 4.
Garnish with chopped mangoes and blueberry.
