Hello Foodaholics, una get light?
During the week, we went visiting our various Grandma's, apparently the electricity situation affected some of the things i left in the fridge since no one was home to put on the Generator.

Anyway, we returned after 3 days and my meat ingredients and frozen fruits in the Freezer were saved but most things in the Fridge were going bad already, so i thought to quickly #salvage some ingredients before i loose everything.
Spring onions and Sausage Sauce came to mind since those 2 ingredients needed saving at the moment. I have lots of spring Onions which i store in the fridge (fruits compartment) and with the right temperature, the spring onions actually keep springing in the Fridge and you may not need to buy some more for a while ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. INGREDIENTS
#springonions ( 1 hands full )
#tomatopaste (2 satchets)
#sausages (1 pack)
#freshpepper (to taste)
#oil ( 3 cooking spoons)
#salt ( to taste)
#bayleaves (2 leaves)
#pasta ( 2 packs #spaghetti )
Wash and clean Spring onions ( i took my time sorting out dried ones and bad springs leaving only the good ones, we cant loose everything to #tcn #discos #phcn #nepa )
Chop them into tiny bits. Heat oil in a pan and saute Spring onions, add the #tomatoes paste, stir for 2 minutes then pour blended pepper. Cook till its reduced but not burning ( stir so it doesnt stick and burn, please stir with a wooden spoon)
Slice sausages to look like round buttons then add to the sauce, stir and add some water, season to taste and bring to a boil.
Meanwhile, you should have cooked your pasta #aldente and drain.
Pour pasta into the Spring Onions and Sausage sauce, incoporate properly and correct seasoning if needed.
I enjoyed it with microwaved left over grilled chicken that managed to escape the light wahala.
Do have a blessed weekend and don't forget to watch Foodies and Spice this weekend on TV.
Also, please encourage me by subscribing to my youtube channel on to watch my recipe videos.
