For me, it is the combination of various ingredients in a mix to enhance the taste of food.
Whether its #Fish#Meat or even #vegetables, i believe the #marinadeshould bring a balance in taste.
Over the years, as i #cook#bake and #grill, I am perfecting the art of
bringing #ingredients together to form a burst of flavours in a marinade.
Something #hot#acidic#slightly #sweet and a great #aroma is marinade for me. For my slightly sweet, #Oranges are always first choice. The taste of oranges in a marinade caramelized on grill is heavenly.
I also incoporate left over marinades into #stews#sauces and #jollof and it can conveniently take the place of any #Broth or #stock

Wishing you a great week well marinaded and soaked up with all the good and sweet things of life.
