Whew!... All of these i worked on today.

Woke up early to make cookie dough for my biscuits and Mama Gina reminds me that today is their village meeting and she is to entertain.
Finished with Cookie dough, then made the Gizzard and Salad for Village Meeting, then there comes husband who want Akara for breakfast, cleaned Beans and made Akara.

Then started with the The Roselle/Zobo recipes. HairStylist shows up. I shoulda postponed hair making but for d fact that i had to make this hair.
Chicken Breast with Roselle/Zobo glaze
Finished recipe and i have lost daylight for pictures (All the Photographers will understand)... and this thing needs to be Red! Its Valentine!
As Indoor light not co-operating, i jejely take picture like that with improvised light and i wanna retire to my bed.

Hot Akara

Gizzard serving suggestion

Fried Pepper

See you before Valentine sha for Recipe and Procedure #icantcomeandgoandkillmyself
LOL... Anyway, My darling Sweeties. The bestest Foodaholics in the whole wide/wild world. Thanks for watching the show today. Got a lot of inbox messages. And the new Foodaholics ( we got quite a number of new followers today) thank you so much. I truly appreciate you all.
Have a Good Nights rest!
@geenamoore #Iyaibeji
