SEPTEMBER 21st is declared World Peace day...
Its always easy to say i want peace, i love Peace or i want to be a peaceful person, trust me its not so much of an easy task.
Interacting with people of various religions, i can make bold to say that the ones who do not believe or affiliate themselves to any religion seem to be the most peaceable ones ( casting my mind to Roland and Maryse of Le Tourne).

In this day set out to celebrate peace, the essence or need for peace can not be over emphasized. A peaceful environment breeds progress, longetivity, good health and every good thing you can think of.
I will however like to consciously share that we must understand that Peace has to begin with every individual, it has nothing to do with your race, tribe, religious affiliation or creed. Peace begins with you.
In Law, we were taught via a latin maxim that you cant give what you dont have. Truly if you are not at peace with yourself, if you dont cherish peace how then can you give peace to others?
Being at peace with ones self is a good start, and to be at peace with yourself, you have to guard your HEART with all dilligence. In guarding your heart, you have to LOVE because a heart filled with love finds peace.
There will be Anti-peace entities who may want to take away your peace but that is the reason why you have to diligently guard it.
Make up your mind to be at Peace with yourself first today, let go of hurts, pains, frustrations and despair. Trust God to fill your heart with love, decide to share that love, be sure to go to bed every night without a grudge or strife, Live and let live, dont be selfish, what you dont have now, you will have later if its God's will for you to have it, dont burn out over luxury's or Iphone7, stick with your kpalasa Phone for now. Place priorities over frivolties, consciously seek the happiness of others, dont hurt people deliberately just to prove superiority, be humble, take responsibilities for your actions, apologize for wrong done, dont manipulate or scheme for human approval( its too much work on your mind to not be you). Oooh and Envy and Jealousy, dat one will kill you quick. Be a giver in the little you have and try to wear a welcoming smile to all (you dont have to pour out your frustrations on innocent people), above all speak the truth at all times, lying raises your BP.
Working with these little Self-peace nuggets summed up in one paragraph has helped some of us. Even if you cant achieve all but conciously work towards it. When we individually find peace, it wont be difficult to spread.
Find inner peace today cos #peacebeginswithyou.
Please feel free to add your own Self-Peace nuggets. We all working towards attaining more wisdom.

