Like we all know, it was a fantastic 2014 for Foodies and Spice and I trust it was for all of us. It is the New Year, thanks to the Almighty God for bringing us to the New year and blessing us with the gift of life. Just like the street saying down south in Nigeria where I grew up “when there is Life, There is hope”… yeah, That Benin maestro “Osayomore” has a song like that too.

Yes, WHEN THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE. If there are any carry over wishes from 2014, Dear Foodaholics, this is 2015, let us work towards making our wish come true, backing it up with lots of Faith. Because what you don’t believe, you can hardly see. What you don’t envision, you can’t get.

We all have one life to live, let’s make it count. Feel free to dream big dreams(it’s your mind anyway, so think all the best thoughts, thoughts greater than what your mind can carry) who knows, this could just be that year, However, its starts with envisioning it and believing it and working towards it.

Honestly, no one gains great success by just doing it “the way it should be done”. You have to put in that EXTRAEXTRA HOURSEXTRA CREATIVITYEXTRA WHAT IT TAKES “depending on what you are working towards.

So I wish you an EXTRA-ordinary year, all your wishes will come true by the grace of the Almighty God, we shall not die, we shall live and live beautifully well, we shall prosper on every side and most of all we shall be very HAPPY!

Click to watch a clip of our 2014 Highlights as I get ready for Foodies and Spice 2015…. I envision a super-fantastic year, I am going to smartly work towards it and I believe it’s going to be “off da hook” super, duper, SUCCESSFUL with God helping me.

Love you all so much as I continually count on your support to keep moving this “belle-full Ministry forward”. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!




  1. Happy New year to you Gina, that hilite made my day. Keep it up


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