Foodaholic of the week

Tare and David from Lagos Preparing: Cous Cous and Dry fish Coconut Sauce

Ingredients: chopped tomatoes + Pepper+ Onion, Dry fish, minced meat, scent leaf, cinnamon spice, coconut powder, knorr cubes, dried prawn salt, Olive Oil, and Couscous

Preparation of Dry fish coconut sauce: fried the chopped tomatoes +pepper+onions with olive oil for 5mins then add the minced meat allow to cook for 3mins.

add 1 or 2 tablespoon of coconut powder & stir, add the dry fish + dry prawn ( soaked in hot water for 10mins) allow to simmer for 3min, add cinnamon spice, knorr cubes, shreaded scent leaf & salt to taste.
pour into the pot of couscous stir & taste for salt. allow to simmer for 2mins, And serve

Preparation for CousCous:  bring the water to a boil - pour the water and butter (if using) into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over high heat. 
2. Stir in the CousCous - remove the pan from heat and pour in the couscous and salt stir to evenly moisten CousCous.
3. wait 10mins - cover the pan and let it heat for 10mins, if the couscous hasn't absorbed the water or still tastes crunchy after this time, cover and let it heat for a few more minutes.
4. fluff with a fork - gently break apart and fluff the cooked CousCous with a fork before serving. if the rest of dinner isn't quite done, recover the pan after fluff to keep the couscous warm.


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